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Plastic Surgery for Men in Miami, FL

(310) 970-2940 | Beverly Hills | Miami

Plastic Surgery for Men

One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments are only for women. The truth is that men can be just as insecure about their appearance as women.

Male cosmetic surgery can allow men to achieve the body contours, definition, and physique they desire.

Whether it be excess fat on the body or a weathered and aged facial appearance, Dr. Hadeed can help you look and feel your best so that you can walk the Miami beaches, showing off your new, rejuvenated aesthetic with improved self-confidence.

These procedures can be combined to create an “Executive Makeover.”

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Gynecomastia Model

What Can Cosmetic Surgery for Men Achieve?

Many men are embarrassed by their physical appearance. They may feel that they lack the masculine look and qualities they see in their favorite athletes or celebrities on TV, or they just want to be able to show off a slimmer, more toned body under the Florida sun.

Some men struggle with physical issues from childhood while others notice the effects of age (sagging and wrinkled skin, excess fat, etc.).

The good news is: Whatever you are struggling with, there is a procedure to help you.

Dr. Hadeed offers surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures that can help improve the appearance of the face, neck, chest, midsection, and other parts of the body.

Dr. Hadeed focuses on individualized attention and care, providing education and guidance, and ultimately developing a plan for the most successful and safe outcome.

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What Procedures and Treatments Are Available in an Executive Makeover?

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dermal Fillers

As men age, their skin loses collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the strength, health, and elasticity of the skin. When this happens, skin can sag and wrinkles and fine lines can appear (especially on the face).  BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers are both minimally invasive injectable treatments that help revitalize the health and appearance of the skin.

BOTOX® Cosmetic injectables use Botulinum toxin to temporarily paralyze specific muscles that contract to form wrinkles on the face. This gives men a smoother, more youthful facial appearance.

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that help to fill in hollow areas of the face, such as the cheeks and under the eyes. Many of these treatments, such as JUVÉDERM® and RADIESSE®, can help correct the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin blemishes while correcting volume loss to give men a healthier, fuller facial aesthetic.


Facelift surgery is a surgical option to treat age- and lifestyle-related skin issues on the lower portion of the face (from the cheeks to the neck). Dr. Hadeed offers traditional facelift, mini facelift, mid facelift, and stem cell facelift surgeries.

Depending on the type of facelift being performed, Dr. Hadeed will make an incision along your hairline and/or around your ears. Excess fat and skin will be removed and the remaining skin will be tightened.

After your facelift, you will have a more sculpted appearance to make you look years younger.

Plastic surgery for men

Neck Lift

One of the most common places on the body to show age-related skin issues for men is the neck. Neck lift surgery removes excess fat and skin on the neck to get rid of the double chin or “turkey neck” that plagues many men.

After your neck lift, you will have a much more balanced and defined neck and jawline.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation surgery (mentoplasty) uses chin implants to help reshape and enhance a man’s chin and jawline.

After your chin augmentation, you will have a much more masculine and chiseled facial appearance that you will be excited to show off to others.

Eyelid Surgery

Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery helps to correct sagging skin and puffiness on and around the eyelids. These skin issues can cause men to look weathered and much older than they are (and definitely much older than they feel). Additionally, sagging eyelid skin can affect eyesight by blocking vision.

Upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, or a combination of both can be performed to correct issues on the eyelids, respectively. Incisions are made in the natural creases of the eyelids to hide any resulting scars. Then excess skin will be removed and the incisions closed.

After your eyelid surgery, your entire face will look more rested and rejuvenated.


Liposuction surgery is one of the most versatile and transformative cosmetic procedures available. While liposuction is often used in conjunction with other surgeries (such as a tummy tuck), many patients choose to have liposuction as a standalone procedure. Liposuction can be used on the abdomen, back, chest, arms, hips, thighs, legs, and more.

For this procedure, Dr. Hadeed will make small incisions in the treatment area. A cannula will be inserted through these incisions to loosen pockets of fat. This fat is then vacuumed out of the body. After your liposuction procedure, you will have a more defined and toned physique.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to correct sagging skin and stubborn fat in a man’s midsection.

For this procedure, an incision is made from hip to hip, just above the pubic area. Liposuction may be used to remove subcutaneous fat in the abdomen. Dr. Hadeed will tighten the underlying abdominal muscles and remove any excess skin. The remaining skin is then tightened, and the incisions are closed.

After a tummy tuck, you will have a flatter, more contoured midsection to show off at the pool or beach.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Many men suffer from gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts). This condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones (testosterone and estrogen). Sometimes, the body balances these hormones naturally, though other times it does not. Having gynecomastia can be embarrassing, but gynecomastia surgery can help get rid of excess breast tissue in men to give them a more sculpted chest appearance.

For this procedure, liposuction and surgical excision techniques are used to remove excess fat and tissue in the breast.

What Is Male Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Like?

Your male cosmetic procedure will vary, depending on the surgery or procedure you undergo. BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal filler injectable treatments require little-to-no downtime, while other more invasive and extensive surgeries, such as tummy tuck surgery, require a downtime and recovery period of several weeks.Regardless of which procedure you have performed, it is important to understand that cosmetic surgery and treatments are controlled injuries to the body, so you need to allow your body the rest it needs to heal itself.This means following Dr. Hadeed’s post-op instructions and refraining from strenuous activities until you are cleared to resume them.

What Results Can Be Expected From Male Cosmetic Surgery Procedure?

Whether you have a single cosmetic procedure or you combine procedures, you will have a more masculine aesthetic that you will feel proud to show off during the hot Florida summer months.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plastic Surgery for Men

Am I a candidate for male cosmetic surgery?

If you are unhappy with your facial and/or body aesthetic and are looking to have an appearance that you are more comfortable with, then male cosmetic surgery might be able to help you.

If you think you are a candidate for male cosmetic surgery, it is important that you schedule your consultation with Dr. Hadeed. During your consultation, Dr. Hadeed will listen to your concerns and evaluate your condition to decide the right procedure(s) for you.

Ideal candidates are non-smoking men, who are in good general health and have realistic expectations for their results.

Can I combine my procedures?

Yes! Many men choose to combine two or even more procedures listed above. By combining procedures, you will have a more dramatic transformation to your appearance. For example, liposuction can be performed with either gynecomastia surgery or tummy tuck surgery as part of the procedure, while facelift surgery can be combined with neck lift surgery, chin augmentation, or eyelid surgery to give the face a more balanced appearance.

How much is male cosmetic surgery in Miami?

As with any plastic surgery procedure, your male cosmetic surgery cost will vary depending on the specifics of the surgery, the extent of correction needed, and whether you are combining your procedure with any other.

At your consultation, you will be given a cost estimate for your surgery.

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Contact Us to Learn More

If you have questions about any of the procedures that we offer men in Miami, Florida, contact Dr. Josef Hadeed.

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9454 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 710
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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Miami, Florida

1330 Coral Way
Suite 306
Miami, FL 33145

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