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Arm Lift In Beverly Hills

(310) 970-2940 | Beverly Hills | Miami

Arm Lift Procedure

Weight loss, aging, and gravity can cause relaxation and sagging of the upper arms. Exercise may improve muscle tone, but it cannot address skin laxity, nor can it resolve unwanted fat deposits that give the arms their flabby appearance. This extra upper arm tissue can cause patients to feel self-conscious and may prevent them from wearing fitted shirts or dresses.

Arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) eliminates this excess and tightens the upper arms’ contour. Dr. Hadeed performs brachioplasty in Beverly Hills, California.

Body lift after weight loss

What Can An Arm Lift Do?

Reduce Excess Skin

A brachioplasty is one of the few procedures available that will permanently remove excess skin from your arms. This procedure can remove so-called ‘bat wings’ or hanging skin that droops down from the upper arms and interferes with motion and confidence.

Remove Fat Deposits

Some fat deposits do not dissolve with diet and exercise alone. When these stubborn deposits remain in the upper arms, they can create an aesthetically displeasing appearance. Cellulite and similar conditions can develop that make the upper arms look older than they are.

Tighten Underlying Tissue

An arm lift can tighten the underlying tissues on the upper arm, ensuring that muscles and tendons hold the skin in place. This can reduce drooping and ensure more youthful contours for years to come. While arm lift surgery does not create muscle, it does highlight the existing muscle tone.

During your consultation, Dr. Hadeed will examine your arms and advise you on surgical and non-surgical techniques available to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. At the conclusion of your consultation, Dr. Hadeed will provide you with a personalized arm lift price based on your specific circumstances.

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How Is An Arm Lift Performed In Beverly Hills?


Brachioplasty is performed under general anesthesia to eliminate pain during the operation.

Minimal Excision

A minimal excision technique, coupled with liposuction, may be ideal for patients with limited amounts of excess skin. Using the two procedures in concert removes stubborn fat deposits and tightens the skin. This type of procedure will produce limited scarring.

Traditional Incision

A traditional arm lift uses an incision from the armpit to the elbow on the underside of the arm. This more invasive technique is ideal for patients with more significant amounts of excess skin and arm fat. The greater amount of removed skin from this technique results in a tighter, more youthful appearance.

Before and After Arm Lift Hadeed Plastic Surgery

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Liposuction of the Upper Arms

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Dr. Hadeed JH

Am I the Right Candidate For An Arm Lift in Beverly Hills?

Anyone struggling with drooping skin or excess fat deposits in their upper arms is a potential candidate for an arm lift. Candidates should be in good health with no health conditions or medication use that might affect the recovery process. You should consult with Dr. Hadeed to determine if you are a candidate, and, if so, which technique is ideal for you.

Have Concerns About Brachioplasty?


Some bruising and swelling should be expected in the two weeks following the procedure. A compression garment will need to be worn during this period to reduce swelling and stabilize the newly contoured tissues. Patients will be able to return to work within three weeks.


The amount of arm lift scarring will depend on the technique used. A traditional arm lift will have a single long scar running the length of the arm from armpit to elbow. The minimal excision technique will result in a smaller scar in the armpit, but may also produce secondary incision scars due to liposuction. In either case, scarring may be reduced by keeping the healing incisions out of direct sunlight for the recovery period’s duration.


The cost of an arm lift can vary considerably depending on the technique used, the facility chosen, and the fees associated with the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and any medications used to manage discomfort.


While the initial results of an arm lift will be visible within three weeks, the final results of the operation may not become apparent for at least six months. Swelling should resolve within four to six weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks associated with an arm lift in Beverly Hills?

Dr. Hadeed does everything possible to minimize complications; however, all surgical procedures come with associated risks. An arm lift may carry the risk of:

  • Bleeding
  • Adverse reactions to the anesthesia
  • Skin discoloration
  • Undesired contours
  • Poor wound healing

Will my brachioplasty results be permanent?

In most cases, an arm lift (brachioplasty) is effectively permanent, provided the patient maintains a stable weight following the operation. Excessive weight gain can cause the skin on the upper arms to stretch to accommodate new fat deposits. For this reason, Dr. Hadeed recommends that patients ensure they are within 20 pounds of their ideal weight before undergoing an arm lift. Brachioplasty surgery does not impede the aging process, so the treated tissues will continue to age naturally.

How long will my arm lift take?

Most arm lift procedures are done within two to three hours. Following the procedure, patients should expect to be woozy from anesthesia for an hour or two. They will require someone to drive them home after the surgery. Dr. Hadeed recommends that a friend or family member stay with the patient for the first day or two following the operation to assist with basic chores and monitor the patient for medical complications.

Can my arm lift be combined with other procedures?

Yes. An arm lift is commonly combined with liposuction of the surrounding areas, and may also be combined with a body lift or other body contouring options

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